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It was cold, dark, and rainy. Makayla and Brad didn’t have a specific location in mind but knew they wanted it to have a Pittsburgh feel. Well most have a love for the bridges I personally love rooftops and parking garages. So we started there with plans to end on one of the most popular bridges in Pittsburgh. The Roberto Clemente Bridge. I don’t know about you but one of my love languages is Pizza and I happened to mention to them how cute pizza and beer could be with this city vibe we were going to have. They were all for it. The shoot was full of laughs and lots of pizza before we ended up at the bridge. At that point it was raining and busy with traffic. I knew we only were going to be able to get one shot on the bridge so we had to make it work! Well these two were not only up for anything but had no problem fighting traffic for this amazing shot! It was almost dark out which was perfect because you get the view of the city in the back perfectly!